2023 Review
While most people in Australia have moved on from the Covid-19 Pandemic and life has basically returned to normal, life in the communities of our Compassion partners in West Timor has remained different. There has been improvement in the situation since the peak of the pandemic, but school is still limited to 50% attendance, parents continue to struggle to afford their family’s daily needs after losing their jobs, and income is very limited.
In Oelkuku and Nekmese, families are struggling due to a lack of consistent rain. The wet season has seen unpredictable weather, resulting in harvests failing and farmers being unable to plant crops. The result is insufficient food and the cost of basic necessities increasing. The flow on effect is that many children are unable to continue in their education due to lack of funds. Compassion partners involved in the child sponsorship program are helping those in need.
The needs of Namosain are a little different. While school attendance has still been an issue for this area, the coastal location of this village means it has been less affected by the inconsistent rains. There is still a need for prayer for people to once again find work to enable them to care for their families. As a part of our KingdomCome 2023 commitments, New Vine Lakes had planned to fly the leaders from our Partner Churches in West Timor to Australia in early 2024. Unfortunately, the Australian government has not enabled this visit to take place, with applications being denied and assistance very difficult to find. The primary issue raised by the Australian Government is they can’t guarantee the visitors will return to Indonesia at the end of their stay. This shines an even brighter spotlight on the need to advocate on behalf of the people of West Timor, as they are denied a voice outside of their own communities.
2024 Support
The Oelkuku partnership has several building projects occurring. These include building a Child Development Centre kitchen (the previous kitchen had been damaged), building a survival program room, and repairing the church walls and ceilings. These were damaged in the earthquake that struck the area in November 2023.
In Nekmese, a project to complete a classroom is currently underway. Work began several years ago but has only recently reached the stage of almost being completed. In addition to this, a Child Development Centre kitchen is also underway and the main church in the area is being renovated.
Project work in Namosain has been continuing. A classroom is under construction, while work is underway to design a music studio for Development Centre children to learn how to play instruments. It is envisaged that this will eventually result in children and their families being able to earn additional income through tutoring.
Throughout 2024, the Compassion Centres will continue to support and care for families who are struggling to afford the most basic items such as food and hygiene packs. The highest impact we at New Vine Lakes can have in these communities is through Child Sponsorship. There are more than 70 children sponsored by people at New Vine Lakes. An amazing effort! The sponsorship is more than just assisting with finances for these children and their families. The relationship, including letters and prayer, means more than anything material that we can provide. We will have more children from these communities’ requiring sponsorship during our KingdomCome month.
As previously mentioned, as part of 2023 KingdomCome, we had been attempting to bring the leaders from our partner churches to Australia in May 2024. After being unable to secure that visit, our attention in the upcoming KingdomCome year turns to making this visit a reality for 2025. In addition to applying for Visas, the primary need is to provide documentation that gives the Australian Government the confidence that the church leaders will return home at the end of their stay. Prayer for this need is very much appreciated. God controls all things.
Your support of $6,000 will:
As previously mentioned, as part of 2023 KingdomCome, we had been attempting to bring the leaders from our partner churches to Australia in May 2024. After being unable to secure that visit, our attention in the upcoming KingdomCome year turns to making this visit a reality for 2025. In addition to applying for Visas, the primary need is to provide documentation that gives the Australian Government the confidence that the church leaders will return home at the end of their stay. Prayer for this need is very much appreciated. God controls all things.
Your support of $6,000 will:
- Provide $1,000 for each of our partnership communities to spend on urgent needs ($3,000)
- Cover the costs of Visas and other documentation for West Timor church leaders to visit Australia ($3,000)
Prayer and Praise
- Prayer for consistent rains to water crops and enable farmers to plant their fields
- Prayer for a return to normal schooling for the children of Oelkuku, Nekmese and Namosain
- Prayer for the opportunity to bring West Timor church leaders to Australia in 2025
- Praise for the work Compassion and its partner churches conduct on the ground in West Timor
- Praise for the hearts of people who take on the responsibility of child sponsorship
Compassion Australia
We’re so blessed by the support of members of New Vine Lakes supporting projects in Oelkuku, Namosain and Nekmese in Indonesia. In this area, New Vine Lakes are seeing 71+ children supported. This is not only 71 families who are known, loved and cared for by their church congregation but who also feel seen and advocated for by families in Australia. Thank you again for your incredible generosity!
Namosain - Raditya (Partnership Facilitator)
“Our amazing staff put fears and worries aside so that they can be completely sure that our beneficiaries and their families have been well-assisted these last two years. Besides distributing hygiene packs and food packs, we also made sure to assist our teenage beneficiaries through online meetings. Even at the peak of pandemic, our staff volunteered to assist beneficiary's families who were infected by Covid 19. They didn't hesitate to do it and kept adhering to strict health protocols. The staff still provided assistance and trained beneficiary families to use their yards to grow vegetables and raise chicken or catfish for their daily intake with natural protein. They really care about our beneficiaries, meanwhile being vigilant and taking care of their own families too.
The current life is totally different than the life before pandemic. School children could only learn online from home. Even though the situation has been getting better, every face-to-face class is limited to 50% of the total capacity. Parents have to struggle to afford their family's daily needs, as most of them lost their jobs in the pandemic and income is very limited in this current circumstance.
I wish you to pray for the recovery of families who have been directly affected by Covid 19, so that they can get a job and continue their business again. Please pray for learning activities to resume normally at school and the center. Last but not least, pray that God grant our church leaders wisdom to lead their congregation and facilitate every family to continue to grow. “
Oelkuku and Nekmese – Addy (Partnership Facilitator)
“I thank God for the Child Development Centers and that, through them, a lot of children and their families are blessed holistically. During Covid-19 pandemic, children have to do online learning. This way of learning isn't effective in our area due to lack of technology. As a result, the children suffered cognitively. The Center has responded to this problem quickly by providing additional lessons in reading, writing, and counting for children. The children are also given vitamins and nutritious foods to keep them healthy during the pandemic. Moreover, the church also encourages families to disciple their children through the Family Discipleship Program. Praise God! Besides children being ministered, more parents have had their relationship restored with their children and God.
I am grateful to witness how the church of God has transformed and become a blessing for the congregation and all the people in this community. Church partners, together with the Child Development Center, keep running and blessing many people. Besides the Covid-19 pandemic, the majority of areas in our province were also hit by the Seroja Cyclone storm. So many houses, including the beneficiaries' houses, were damaged. The church and Compassion gave quick response by rebuilding their houses into safe, comfortable, and decent houses. The community sees this action of love and has truly come to accept the work of the church for all the people.
Please pray for the children's growth, as the pandemic isn't over yet. I hope that they keep healthy and excited to grow in faith. Please pray for the ministers, that they be provided for and stay healthy. Please also pray for the house reconstruction process after Seroja storm, that everything goes well and these children will be able to stay in their decent houses soon.”
We’re so blessed by the support of members of New Vine Lakes supporting projects in Oelkuku, Namosain and Nekmese in Indonesia. In this area, New Vine Lakes are seeing 71+ children supported. This is not only 71 families who are known, loved and cared for by their church congregation but who also feel seen and advocated for by families in Australia. Thank you again for your incredible generosity!
Namosain - Raditya (Partnership Facilitator)
“Our amazing staff put fears and worries aside so that they can be completely sure that our beneficiaries and their families have been well-assisted these last two years. Besides distributing hygiene packs and food packs, we also made sure to assist our teenage beneficiaries through online meetings. Even at the peak of pandemic, our staff volunteered to assist beneficiary's families who were infected by Covid 19. They didn't hesitate to do it and kept adhering to strict health protocols. The staff still provided assistance and trained beneficiary families to use their yards to grow vegetables and raise chicken or catfish for their daily intake with natural protein. They really care about our beneficiaries, meanwhile being vigilant and taking care of their own families too.
The current life is totally different than the life before pandemic. School children could only learn online from home. Even though the situation has been getting better, every face-to-face class is limited to 50% of the total capacity. Parents have to struggle to afford their family's daily needs, as most of them lost their jobs in the pandemic and income is very limited in this current circumstance.
I wish you to pray for the recovery of families who have been directly affected by Covid 19, so that they can get a job and continue their business again. Please pray for learning activities to resume normally at school and the center. Last but not least, pray that God grant our church leaders wisdom to lead their congregation and facilitate every family to continue to grow. “
Oelkuku and Nekmese – Addy (Partnership Facilitator)
“I thank God for the Child Development Centers and that, through them, a lot of children and their families are blessed holistically. During Covid-19 pandemic, children have to do online learning. This way of learning isn't effective in our area due to lack of technology. As a result, the children suffered cognitively. The Center has responded to this problem quickly by providing additional lessons in reading, writing, and counting for children. The children are also given vitamins and nutritious foods to keep them healthy during the pandemic. Moreover, the church also encourages families to disciple their children through the Family Discipleship Program. Praise God! Besides children being ministered, more parents have had their relationship restored with their children and God.
I am grateful to witness how the church of God has transformed and become a blessing for the congregation and all the people in this community. Church partners, together with the Child Development Center, keep running and blessing many people. Besides the Covid-19 pandemic, the majority of areas in our province were also hit by the Seroja Cyclone storm. So many houses, including the beneficiaries' houses, were damaged. The church and Compassion gave quick response by rebuilding their houses into safe, comfortable, and decent houses. The community sees this action of love and has truly come to accept the work of the church for all the people.
Please pray for the children's growth, as the pandemic isn't over yet. I hope that they keep healthy and excited to grow in faith. Please pray for the ministers, that they be provided for and stay healthy. Please also pray for the house reconstruction process after Seroja storm, that everything goes well and these children will be able to stay in their decent houses soon.”
All In ...... with children and communities living in poverty in West Timor.