We appreciate your financial support!
You can give online for Tithes/Offerings, KingdomCome and Love Offerings.
Three easy ways to give:
You can give online for Tithes/Offerings, KingdomCome and Love Offerings.
Three easy ways to give:
Account Name: New Vine Lakes
BSB: 062 815 Account Number: 1044 9274 Description: Tithes or KingdomCome |
Give via cash or cheque using a giving envelope available at church. Mark Tithes or KingdomCome. Please leave in the giving basket.
Use the Tithe.ly Giving App. See link below. Please note fees apply.
Thank you for partnering with us to see God's Kingdom Come. We are committed to eight mission projects that we'd love to share with you. Just click the link below. Let's expect and pray for His Kingdom to come. Let's give generously and make it possible.